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Post Black Metal band born at the end of 2012 with members of renowned bands from the catalan scene such as Setge, Massive War or Forgotten.

At the beginning of 2013 they released their first EP "Uncertainty" under the label specializing in Black Metal, Negra Nit Distro; and caught the attention of the national scene and part of Europe, performing many concerts in the Iberian Peninsula.

In 2014 they release their first LP "Conviction of Voidness" with one of the most important Black Metal labels in Spain, Darkwoods, and get the critics and specialized press to mention them as "revelation band" of the same year. They start playing live shows in several European countries; but in 2015, with a sudden change of line-up, they release their second album "Astral Dream," which turns them according to the international press as one of the most important Black Metal bands in Spain.

In 2016, the band released their third full-length album "Epiphanies of the Orphaned Light" (Darkwoods) and changed radically towards their own Atmospheric Black Metal with a personal sound. This album catapults them to several European tours; the most important one together with Atra Vetosus, Drawn into Descent and Glorior Belli through 10 countries of the European continent. And upon their return they start preparing material for their latest work "Portraits" (2021), which is released under the reputable Dutch label, Non Serviam Records, with an excellent review and response from the fans, marking the band as one of the most important bands in the international Atmospheric Black Metal scene.

The band has shared the bill with bands like Kampfar, Nocturnal Depression, Skyforger, Incantation, Nominon, Mortifera or Impaled Nazarene.

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Portraits (2021)

Epiphanies Of The Orphaned Light (2016)

Astral Dream (2015)

Conviction Of Voidness (2015)


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